Fastcase announces: The Fastcase Family Continues to Grow
"We could not be more pleased to announce our new partnerships with the State Bar of Georgia, effective January 1, 2011, and the District of Columbia Bar, effective February 1, 2011."
Members Gain Free Access to Nation’s Smartest Legal Research Tools
Washington, DC (February 1, 2011) — Legal publisher Fastcase and the D.C. Bar today announced a partnership that will provide all active and judicial members of the D.C. Bar with free access to the Washington, D.C. libraries in Fastcase’s comprehensive online legal research system.
Beginning February 1, 2011, more than 70,000 attorneys will receive free and unlimited access to one of the nation’s largest law libraries through the D.C. Bar website, The service is unrestricted by time or number of transactions, and unlimited printing, reference assistance, and customer service are included for free.
The D.C. Bar is one of the nation’s largest bar associations, representing almost 10 percent of all attorneys in the United States. Its partnership with Fastcase reflects the Bar’s commitment to providing its members with outstanding services that enhance their practice.
See the full press release at: