WHAT’S NEW: From Information Today: Introduction to information science and technology (1 vol., $59.50); Implementing technology solutions in libraries – techniques, tools, and tips from the trenches (1 vol., $35); Research on Main Street – using the web to find local business and market information (1 vol., $29.95; Note – by Marcy Phelps, my fellow AIIP member!); Dancing with digital natives – staying in step with the generation that’s transforming the way business is done (1 vol., $27.95); Information nation: education and careers in the emerging information professions (1 vol., $35) www.infotoday.com
From Neal-Schuman: Why blog? Motivations for blogging (1 vol., $99.95); News and current affairs search and monitoring with RSS (1 vol., $99.95) www.neal-schuman.com
COOL SITES: Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary http://libra.englang.arts.gla.ac.uk/historicalthesaurus/menu1.html. See a description at: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
RESEARCH TIPS: For those of you who research government information, here is a major change: “The FDsys”: is replacing GPO Access: "GPO Access will be going away soon as the U.S. Government Printing Office rolls out the Federal Digital System (FDsys), an advanced digital system that will enable GPO to manage Government information from all three branches of the U.S. Government. Learn about the new system and its features, what content is available through it, and search strategies. Not only is FDsys a powerful tool for the public to access online, authoritative Federal information, but it also serves as a preservation repository for the content and a content management system for Federal agencies." http://www.llrx.com/fdsys.htm
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