Copyright Clearance Center:
Rightsphere® Basic enables you to check copyright licenses and permissions from within your content workflow, obtain permission details, purchase permissions where needed, contact your company’s library for assistance, and link to additional copyright resources as needed.
EOS International: EOS has an exclusive partnership with to sell their new federated search product to law firms as they break into that new vertical market. They are expanding their databases to include more legal subscriptions.
EOS.Web® Electronic Resource Management (ERM) is an enhancement to its EOS.Web® product line. This latest offering provides information professionals with a solution that helps manage electronic resources. EOS ERM helps library professionals manage all electronic resources and Web Subscriptions.
LLMC earlier this year announced their collaboration with Library of Congress as well as launched the Haiti Project to digitize and then donate Haiti's historic government and legal documents (see then select the tab 'Haiti Project' for more details).
Recently they announced a partnership with Center for Research Libraries (CRL), which will result in expanding their membership to another 200+ universities (mostly those without law schools) providing them access to LLMC-Digital and digitization/preservation of their legal materials.
Gale Cengage
Gale is pleased to announce the newest release on their Making of Modern Law legal archive platform – Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, 1620-1926 is a fully searchable digital archive of more than 1,300 individual titles consisting of about 2,225 volumes. Of interest to law libraries and historians of American history, and designed to complement Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926, it is sourced chiefly from the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University, with additional materials provided by the Law Library of Congress. When completed in June 2010 it will be a virtual gold mine of information for legal historians with Early State Codes, Constitutional Conventions, City Charters, Law Dictionaries, Published Records of the American Colonies, Bibliographical Sources (organized by state).