WHAT’S NEW: From Wiley: Wiley handbook of technology for homeland security (1 vol., $1650) (http://www.wiley.com/)
From Nolo Press: Making it legal: same-sex marriange, domestic partnerships & civil unions (1 vol. $29.99); The sharing solution: how to prosper while sharing resources, simplifying your life & building communities (1 vol., $24.99); The Women’s small business start-up kit – a step-by-step legal guide (1 vol., $29.99); The judge who hated red nail polish & other crazy but true stories of law and lawyers (1 vol., $19.99); Bankruptcy for small business owners – how to file for Chapter 7 (1 vol., $39.99); Business loans from family & friends – how to ask, make it legal & make it work (1 vol., $29.99) (http://www.nolo.com/)
From Government Institutes: Space flight – history, technology, and operations (1 vol., $55); Falls aren’t funny: America’s multi-billion dollar slip-and-fall crisis (1 vol., $29.95); Social security handbook: Overview of social security programs, 2009 (1 vol., $60) (www.govinstpress.com)
SUBJECT SEARCHING: Trademarks - International IP Agencies
Are you looking into trademarking your business or product name in the U.S.? If so, visit the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) (http://tess2.uspto.gov/) of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (http://www.uspto.gov/). Use the TESS to verify that a trademark is not already in use or that it is sufficiently different from existing trademarks.
International Trademarks are governed by the Madrid System (http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/guide/) which is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (http://www.wipo.int/portal/index.html.en). Marks registered under the Madrid System are available online on the WIPO website in the Madrid Express Database or through its official publication, the E-Gazette (http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/services/madrid_express.htm; http://www.wipo.int/madridgazette/en/). The WIPO website also has a list of National Intellectual Property Offices (http://www.wipo.int/directory/en/) that you can use to verify trademark registrations in specific geographical areas or countries. (http://www.fita.org/)
COOL SITES: If you like doing puzzles, see www.crickler.com for a different twist to crosswords. (Thanks to Rachel Rubinstein for the suggestion of this Cool Site).