WHAT’S NEW: From Oxford University Press: The Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history (6 vols., $895); Government as entrepreneur (1 vol., $35); The role of science in law (1 vol., $75); The Fourth amendment – origins and original meaning 602-1791 (the story of the...amendment’s lineage, including its roots in England.; 1 vol., $150) Family Business: Litigation and the political economies of daily life in early modern France (1 vol., $125)(www.oup.com/us) (I know most of you don’t care about this, but it sounds interesting to me and it’s my newsletter so I can put in whatever I want!)
From Delta Alpha Publishing: Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms (Third & ONLINE Editions) (1 vol., € 93.50; also on CD-ROM; http://www.deltaalpha.com)
INTERNET: Free ebook: Pay now or pay later: exposing the cost of "free" information. Published by Dow Jones, this ebook gives you great ideas of how to use information and where to find it.
New from Leadership Directories: Leadership® Congress Basic is the perfect online reference for anyone working with people and organizations on Capitol Hill. Search over 15,000 listings of Members and staff, including individuals in D.C. and state offices and full caucus, task force, and other member organization listings. ($515/year on line subscription)(www.leadershipdirectories.com)