WHAT’S NEW: From Oxford University Press: The Corporate Insider's Guide to U.S. Patent Practice (1 vol., $49.50); The Law of Institutional Investment Management (1 vol., £155.00 ); Intellectual Property Law and Practice of the United Arab Emirates (1 vol., $225); Private lawyers and the public interest: the evolving role of pro bono in the legal profession (1 vol., $75) ; An associate’s guide to the practice of copyright law(1 vol. with CD-ROM with forms, $150); U.S. patent opinions and evaluations (1 vol., $295); The end of lawyers?: Rethinking the nature of legal services (1 vol., $50); The implementation game: The TRIPS agreement and the global politics of intellectual property reform in developing countries (1 vol., $80); Salt water neighbors: International ocean law relations between the United States and Canada (1 vol., $95); Environmental protection – European law and governance (1 vol., $110); Broken landscape – Indians, Indian tribes and the constitution (1 vol., $35); http://www.us.oup.com/
From International Tax Institute: Engaging with High Net Worth Individuals on Tax Compliance (1 vol., $32); Building Transparent Tax Compliance by Banks (1 vol., $32)(www.itinet.org)
From NITA: Trial prep for paralegals: effective case management and support to attorneys in preparation for trial (1 vol., $35); Professionalism in the real world: lessons for the effective advocate (1 vol., $35); Effective courtroom advocacy (1 vol., $45)(http://www.nita.org/)
From Ashgate: Computer crime (1 vol., $275); Crime and deviance in cyberspace (1 vol., $325); Sustainability (1 vol., $275); The library of corporate responsibilities (5 vols., $1200); Corporate business responsibility (1 vol., $275); Corporate governance (1 vol., $275); Corporate environmental responsibility (1 vol., $275); Free speech and the new media (1 vol., $275); Freedom of the press (1 vol., $250)(www.ashgate.com)
COMPANY NEWS: Ruth recently reviewed the database ReferenceLegal, an InfoUSA product. It is useful for competitive intelligence, conflict checking, and marketing. See the new vendor spotlight section on our blog.