Selling and Communications Skills for Lawyers: A Fresh Approach to Marketing Your Practice, by Joey Asher (published by ALM Publishing, Book #ALM17; softcover, one volume, 275 pages; c2005. ISBN: 978-1-58852-123-1, $29.95;
Former lawyer, Joey Asher, has written a how-to guide to marketing your law practice. Although it is geared towards attorneys, many of these ideas can be incorporated into your own marketing plan.
Asher starts out by assuming that the reader (the attorney) is a competent specialist in his field. Clients will also assume this. They are more interested in what you can do for them. How can you help their business grow? Do you understand their business? In his world, word of mouth is no longer enough to guarantee growth. You must actively search out new clients and contacts. Networking is a must.
Different strategies are outlined by section. Asher uses his own experience as well as other attorneys to explain how to strike up conversations, how to talk to other business owners, what to do with business cards (collect them more than hand yours out), what to say on an airplane and an elevator. "And here's a simple rule of thumb, the Five-Foot Rule: "Thou shalt say hello to anyone who is within five feet of you."
He explores the fear of sounding like a salesman or as he dubs it, "call reluctance," and how to cold-call. What some business people feel are tried and true methods for selling - writing articles and giving seminars - are also examined.
One of the more interesting and useful chapters describes how to break down a presentation by limiting the amount of facts and ideas and how to put yourself into the listener's place. He repeatedly emphasizes that clients are interested in how much you understand their business and how you can help them grow.
The book is nicely laid out in sections that are highlighted in bold and a larger font. These make for easier reading. Although this book is really geared to attorneys in medium to large law firms, some of the marketing tips may be useful for other consultants.
Book review written by Susan Rubinstein, Partner, Balkin Information Services. Susan can be reached at 585-482-1506 or [email protected].